Well it's been a busy end to the school term with Athletics carnivals and Easter hat Parades happening, closely followed by the Sydney Royal Easter Show, which we had 10 chooks entered into. We all travelled done and enjoyed a very long day at the show 9am to 8pm, the chooks went well, the kids had lots of fun and we didn't see everything, so the girls and I went back again the next day. The girls enjoyed the Giant Slide again this year and picked out showbags along with some crazy colourful wigs, we caught up with lots of people at the show. Missy spent quite some time studying the photgraphy and artwork (both painting and drawing)sections, choosing her favourites and expressing her desire to enter something in the kids section next year. She recently told me she was going to University to study Art.
we all got home safely from the show but the chooks are still at the show until the end, they are feed,watered and vet checked each day by show officials.
Missy I cannot wait to see how you enjoy Uni you super star! but just enjoy being a kid first xo