Friday, December 17, 2010

School Gossip

The end of the school year brings lots of exciting events, high on Missy's priority is the school disco.
We rush home from school, grab a bite to eat and race back to school for the start. Missy cruises in her powerchair to spot her friends, not that it takes long, they come running, checking out each others outfits... she quickly signs for the walker, strapped in, she is off dancing with her mates, usually in the loudest spot available. Missy dances all night in her walker, with no regard for sore feet, tired legs and perspiration.
Ever since she went to her first school disco in Kindergarten, she was the last one standing at the end of the disco.
Her love for loud music and dancing with her mates has never waived over the years.
Recently Missy's school grounds was swamped by heavy rain and the entrance to her classroom had a significant flow of water going past the entrance, so Missy's friends decided to take their shoes and socks off to walk thru to get to their classroom. Of course Missy will be a part of everything and she proceeded to take her shoes and socks off with some help. If I could paint the picture, Missy is in her powerchair with no shoes and socks ready to cross the water with her friends and off she drives thru the water, her feet nowhere near the water but could have splashed. That's Missy just being one of the kids.

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